“I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it’s better than college. People should educate themselves – you can get a complete education for no money. At the end of 10 years, …

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Calligraphy is just as much a part of human evolution as the development of language. The two are virtually inseparable, as the earliest surviving written texts are all done in calligraphy. The word calligraphy comes from the Ancient Greek words kallos and graphẽ, the two meaning beauty and writing, respectively. That does not, however, mean that calligraphy is strictly a Western tradition.

Making a product is just one phase in the process of making money. Depending on who you ask, it is either the hardest or the easiest part. You spend days, weeks, months, or even years designing or putting together a website template, a collection of stock photos, a web application security tool, a typography set, t-shirt logo or design, and the next step is selling your product, and that’s shops come in. In ye olde days, shops were family businesses and they sold what the owners were making.

Well, now that we’ve explained RWD, on to our list of 15 awesome Responsive Web Design tutorials. Responsive Web Design is a way of designing websites so that you only have one design that works well on all platforms.