“One thing about open source is that even the failures contribute to the next thing that comes up. Unlike a company that could spend a million dollars in two years and fail and there’s nothing really to show for it, …

15 Best WordPress Plugins from 2014 Read more »

LinkedIn is the largest business-orientated social networking service in the world, with 277 million users, more than 178 million monthly unique visitors and headquarters in the U.S., U.K. and Ireland. If Facebook has changed the way we socialize (and interact with all forms of media, but let’s keep things simple), than LinkedIn has changed the way we look for jobs, and the way jobs look at us.

In some ways, animation has been around almost as long as painting has, although, as you would expect, the illusion of movement was much more primitive, and we use the term very appropriately, as the animations we’re talking about are paleolithic cave paintings. They depict animals with more sets of legs than they really do have, in an attempt to capture the phenomenon of movement.

Whether you’re a writer or just someone who makes vector packs for a living, being a freelancer is a tough job. It’s definitely harder to work freelance than in a company. When you work in a company, you work for someone else, and it’s not your job to worry about getting clients or dealing with legal details – it’s that persons’ who you’re working for. When you work freelance, not only do you not get a steady paycheck every month, but you have to start finding clients, you have to start dealing with those clients personally .

For designers, sourcing the right font(s) for a project can be a difficult task. While there are hundreds and thousands of pre-installed on most modern-day computers, many of these have been overused over the years and because of this, they can look outdated and unprofessional. What’s more, a lot of these fonts are virtually unreadable and if you’re designing a logo or any other highly-branded design, they’re just not unique or ‘brandable’ enough.