Nintendo’s newest Mario game is unlike any other. Both classic gamers and those new to the franchise will be able to appreciate the creativity behind Super Mario Maker. This new game takes the Mario experience to the next level, allowing players to create and share their side-scrolling stages. If you have ever dreamed of creating your own Mario game or have a child interested in game design, this Wii U game is the perfect investment.

From cosmetic surgeons, yoga trainers and Lego lovers, we bring you 11 unconventional business card designs that will make you giggle and want one for yourself. Scroll down and see for yourselves. And don’t forget to post in the comment section below, your favorite card design. We would love to hear them.

When drawing an illustration, the concept is the most important thing to begin with. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a funny, cartoon character, using basic shapes and how to transform it in a vector. I definitely think that everyone can improve his/her drawing skills. You should just keep practicing, work a lot and stay motivated. You’ll get there!