Pop Art is a significant artistic movement that originates from 1950s Britain and early 1960s United States. It was suggestively named “pop” art due to the fact that it encapsulates popular contemporary imagery, usually removed from its initial context and combined with unrelated elements. It’s considered to perfectly represent the paradox of mass culture because it simultaneously employs mundane cultural objects, celebrities and symbolic items from advertising, news and comic books.

So now you’re a manager. It doesn’t matter what the job’s called. Be it team leader, project manager, team manager or any other title, it boils down to one thing: there’s a group of people who need managing, and you’re the person to manage them. As people go, designers tend to have a lot more individuality in them and be less willing to work in a team effectively. That’s why managing a design team is even more of a challenge than regular team management.

  Web design is all about getting those creative juices flowing and bringing web pages to life. Although creativity and skill are the most coveted traits, sometimes they are not enough. The tools and resources used in this line of …

49+ Resources All Web Designers Should Know and Use Read more »