Over the years, website carousels have become popular despite the constant backlash. In fact, it’s a practice that designers are familiar with. It is, after all, the first thing your visitor notices on your site. Whether you refer to a …

The Importance of Website Carousels in the Age of Digitalisation Read more »

2014 is going to be a great year for web design. The internet is expanding (as it has ever since it first came into being), but it is also evolving with immense speed and momentum. That’s why, while being an internet user will become even more exciting and handy over the coming months, being a web developer or a web designer will be more challenging than ever.

It’s hard to make your product stand out. In the digital world, this is even more true than in the physical product world. To the end consumer it looks like many apps offer similar if not identical functions and services. That’s why it’s important to take your user interface (UI) and turn it into a user experience (UX).