Whether you agree or not with what mister Andy Rooney said, you have to admit that carefully arranged food looks really cool. A nice presentation builds appetite, and you feel as if the cook put it that little extra effort to make your meal a truly pleasant experience, and that you are getting your money’s worth. But intricately designed food is not limited to the plate. Carl Warner found a totally new way to approach the art of food presentation.

Photography is one of man kind’s greatest breakthroughs. Before it, representations of the self or images of places you liked were a thing that only the well and truly upper class could afford, since the only people that could provide …

Beautiful Film Photography by Ramon Spaeti Read more »

Adobe Photoshop has revolutionized the way we make art. Digital photography has allowed photographers to experiment a whole lot more, without costing them an arm and a leg to do so. Just think of how hard it must have been in the old-timey days to make a photo look the way you wanted it to look. But in our lovely modern days, we get to photoshop pictures to perfection. Well, the fact of the mater is that photo manipulation has been around for a very long time, now.

Graphic design, and, in fact, design in general, is an extremely interdisciplinary field. Designers draw their inspiration from many places and many fields, artistic and not. For one designer, their main inspiration source may be illustration and the rich tradition of painting and drawing in Western Culture, while for another design inspiration may come from architecture. To a third, the field they draw most of their creative energy from may be photography.

Ah, the landscape! For many of us, it’s the first thing we draw as children and it still holds its grip upon us when we grow up. Is it any surprise that many of the worlds’ greatest works of visual art are landscapes? Be they painted, drawn or photographed, landscapes hold a huge place in our cultural tableau. The landscape holds a certain mystique that is impossible to ignore. It’s like a calling. The same calling that once used to excite cartographers and explorers.