You might be wondering what does Buddha have to do with Photoshop. Well, like anything in this world, when creating a photo manipulation you really need to go all the way, and pay real close attention to detail. After all, that is what designers, photographers and visual artists in general do. Photoshop is, as you undoubtedly know, a fantastic and versatile tool for designers and photographers alike.

Calligraphy is a visual art related to writing, Claude Mediaville described it as “ the art of giving form to signs in an expressive, harmonious, and skillful manner” and we couldn’t agree more. You see it everywhere, you see it …

7 Talented Calligraphers to Follow on Instagram Read more »

Sculpture is possibly the most visceral of all the art forms. It is a raw and physical act between man and material, and the end product is a creation in three dimensions, rather than the illusion of three dimensions, allowed in mist of the other visual art forms. Humanity has been producing sculptures since before written history, which is a testament to mankind’s desire to create and express. Western sculpture tradition can be dated back to Ancient Greece, where the great works of classical sculpture have been produced.

Ah, the landscape! For many of us, it’s the first thing we draw as children and it still holds its grip upon us when we grow up. Is it any surprise that many of the worlds’ greatest works of visual art are landscapes? Be they painted, drawn or photographed, landscapes hold a huge place in our cultural tableau. The landscape holds a certain mystique that is impossible to ignore. It’s like a calling. The same calling that once used to excite cartographers and explorers.