A photograph captures a single moment in time. But what if you want to photograph wildlife in action, a car hurtling round a racetrack or the movement of tall grass in the breeze? If you know how to depict motion photographically, your images will come to life instantly. Here is a brief outline of how you can use different shutter speeds and panning to introduce movement into your photographs.

You might be wondering what does Buddha have to do with Photoshop. Well, like anything in this world, when creating a photo manipulation you really need to go all the way, and pay real close attention to detail. After all, that is what designers, photographers and visual artists in general do. Photoshop is, as you undoubtedly know, a fantastic and versatile tool for designers and photographers alike.

For all of you adrenaline junkies out there, and for all of you scared of heights, this article will take you on a rollercoaster. Just when you thought it was over and it couldn’t get better it does in a remarkable way. You just have to stare with admiration at these photographs and at the men and women behind them – because they are not your ordinary Joe. No, they are completely crazy. Crazy in love with taking the best adrenaline pumping picture out there. Did I get you all stirred up? Well, let’s scroll down and go on this wonderful trip.