Top 20 Free Graffiti Fonts For Graphic Designers

Top 20 Free Graffiti Fonts For Graphic Designers

Graffiti is one of those art forms that is a lot older than it seems. Originally, the term referred to inscriptions and figure drawings found on the walls of ancient walls of sepulchers and ruins, like the ones at Pompeii (some of which were especially saucy) or in the Catacombs of Rome. The word eventually evolved to include any images applied to public surfaces with the intent of vandalism. You will love some of these free graffiti fonts you have probably never seen before.

The medium started being taken seriously during the late 70’s and the 80’s. Although it was already a big phenomenon in the United States (mostly in New York), graffiti culture stagnated in Europe until the early to mid-80s. In 1979, Claudio Bruni, an Italian art dealer, gave a gallery opening in Rome to Lee Quinones and Fab 5 Freddy.

Nowadays, graffiti is an accepted art form to which many people are attracted, whether as art creators or consumers.

We have covered graffiti on multiple occasions. Also, we can show you amazing graffiti artists and give you some design inspiration. Today, however, we will be giving you design resources.

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“For me, graffiti and the complexities with which it is either absorbed or expelled from what is going on, is a really good comparison to the way I see my work being similarly expelled or absorbed into different types of discourse.”

– Richard Phillips

In this article, we will be rounding up the best free graffiti fonts we have found while navigating the treacherous waters of the internet so you do not have to waste precious time looking for them yourself.

1. Urban Decay Graffiti Font

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Urban Decay is a hand-made brush stroke font made to celebrate my love for graffiti, urban exploration, street calligraphy, and inner-city living!

2. Lemon Day Graffiti Font

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This font looks more like a pencil than an aerosol, but it gives it its unique brand of charm. It’s very old-school hip-hop and very friendly. This is one of the best free graffiti fonts.

3. Sprayerz Font

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Based on typical letters, painted with spray. I was designing this one a time when I watched some graffiti and simple messages on a lot of walls.

Learn How To Add Font To Canva

4. London Graffiti Font

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This London Graffiti font draws inspiration from some of London’s most infamous graffiti writers, including Elmo, Aser, Masika, Leet, sick, and Cutting. This version only has outlines, but updates are coming soon that will be filled out, and it also has drop shadows.

Check out these awesome 20 Best Free Calligraphy Fonts 

5. Bubble Graffiti Font

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The Bubble Graffiti Font, made by Mike Karolos, is a no-nonsense font that brilliantly imitates the style of classic graffiti lettering. It comes in both black & white and color variants so that you can go for both the sober and the funky look in your designs.

6. Sprite Graffiti Font/Graffiti Typeface

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This is the first Bulgarian graffiti typeface in Cyrillic created for the 24th of May (Bulgarian national holiday celebrating the alphabet) as part of our campaign for Sprite Graffiti Fest 2014.

Our challenge was to keep the graffiti style and still have legible letters. We strived for a functional font that would be useful for the graffiti community and a wider audience. This way, apart from promoting graffiti, we can also help build a pool of more diverse Cyrillic typefaces.

7. Fozzie Got a Posse Free Graffiti Fonts

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This is a long project I’ve made over several months as a challenge to create a real organic font. Based on graffiti tagging, it’s possible to write everything with three variations of each lowercase letter. And all my study is going to be a gift for you type freaks.

Check out 20 Best Holiday Fonts For Festive Season

8. DJ Gross

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DJ Gross is somewhere between grunge and graffiti, we would say. It has got a darker edge to it; the style is negligent and almost rushed.

9. Brooklyn Font

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Brooklyn is a calligraphy-based typeface that is both sleek and brutal.

10. Stylin BRK Free Graffiti Fonts

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This is Beraka’s second entry on our list, and it will probably not be the last. The letters have an almost Arabic feel to them, and we think they look stunning.

Check out 10 Blockbuster Fonts For Your Banner Design

11. Street Writer

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This font reminds us of when we customized our car in any post-Underground Need for Speed games. This is exactly the kind of font we would jump at when we browsed the list of available customizations.

You can’t miss out on The Amazing Fonts Bundle!

12. Reskagraf Free Graffiti Fonts

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13. Amsterdam Graffiti

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Amsterdam is one of Europe’s graffiti cultures. The scene is vibrant over there, giving it its special flair. This font aims to capture some Dutch urban charm and allow you to implement it into your designs.

14. Urban Jungle Font

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Urban Jungle reflects this font style. It would look completely out of place in a village sort of setting. It looks like the kind of graffiti you would see in abandoned buildings. This is a great free graffiti fonts bundle that allows you to create attractive designs.

Try these 10 Vintage Decorative Fonts

15. The Pricks

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The Pricks is a simple block font with some mean spikes.

Use these 10 Best Fonts To Use For Your Websites and Blogs

16. Bring Tha Noize

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Bring Tha Noize has old school written all over it. We could see it as the font and a Run DMC or Flava Flav album.

17. Degrassi

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Degrassi is a somewhat wack, graffiti-inspired font.

18. Brock Vandalo – Free Graffiti Fonts

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Estou enviando minha primeira fonte e espero em breve contribuir mais para o crescimento da typografia mundial” meaning that this is the designer’s first font, and it is his contribution to typography (we are trying to translate without Google, so we apologize if we got it wrong).

Its direct inspiration is Brazilian graffiti, Brazil being where the designer Brock Marques is from. Brazil has a vibrant graffiti scene, so this font had to be on our list.

Make your typography elegant by using the All Style Fonts Bundle!

19. Graffonti

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A graffiti style three font interlocking family, Graffonti’s styles include atomic bomb, drop 3D, and gradient fill. All three font styles include full capitals, lowercase digits, special characters, and random dingbats.

20. Please Show Me Love

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A randomized, hand-written font with various styles of characters.

That concludes our list of top 20 free graffiti fonts. We hope you enjoyed our list and that you will find the fonts we have found useful. Don’t forget to leave us your thoughts in the comment section below.

5 Comments on “Top 20 Free Graffiti Fonts For Graphic Designers

    • Hey, my apologies. Sprayers Font is the only one that can be downloaded with deviantART points. But all the other fonts are absolutely free :) Thanks for the feedback.

  1. Hi, Elena

    It seems that the link to ‘the pricks’ font isn’t valid anymore. The author’s site still offers good, free and commercial fonts and vectors:

    In case you find a new working link to download this font, please update. Thank you and best regards.

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