7 Free Mac Apps That Will Skyrocket Your Productivity
Many applications have been designed to help you work faster and more efficient. Very few of them come without a price tag and a substantial one too. We’ve scoured the web to find the best free Mac tools that will help you save time and bring your productivity to new heights. To ensure you get the most out of your work time we’ve selected application launchers, notification management apps, organising apps and more.
So let’s get started on boosting that productivity!
#1 DropBox
The easiest way to share and keep your files safe.The only downside is that the free plan only covers 2GB worth of files. You can always switch to their Pro – 50GB ($99/year) and Premium – 100GB ($199/year) plans for a huge increase in storage space.
#2 aLaunch
Is a very useful app that keeps your dock uncluttered and your apps organised. You can also set up a hotkey combination to open the window immediately.
#3 Name Changer
Is a very simple tool that does exactly what it says. It will help you rename batches of files and offers a variety of text replacement options.
#4 Caffeine
Prevents your Mac from going to sleep, dimming the screen and starting screen savers. It is especially useful when video chatting or having a voice-only-call with clients.
#5 The Unarchiver
Is an app that allows you to extract many more file formats than the classic .zip. It supports formats such as .tar-gzip, .tar-bzip2, .rar, 7-zip, .lhA and stuffIt. It also handles archives created with non-English versions of operating systems.
#6 TaskMate
Is a very simple task management application. You create a task, check it off when completed and it disappears from the list. Completed tasks are visible in a side panel that can be toggled on or off.
#7 JumpCut
Provides access to text that you’ve cut or copied even if you have meanwhile cut or copied something else. The goal is to provide you with quick and intuitive access to your clipboard history.
Can I suggest to add Harvest? It’s a great time tracking/invoice tool.
Thanks for the suggestion, Ronnie! :) On the next similar article we’re gonna add Harvest for sure.
Cannot get the free offer as I keep getting an Internal error when I try to send my name and email address.
Can you sent the MAC Apps to me
Evernote is a *must have*. Dropbox is ok for file storage but Evernote is easy information management. Apps for any OS and for Chrome browser. Grab anything and put it into a note. Build notebooks and notebook stacks. Automatic OCR conversion when you snap pics as a note. Audio notes. Screen shots as notes. Anything on the web as a note. You can even encrypt text if you want an extra level of security. Yes, I am a fan girl since it was a little desktop clipper. Now it is also a collaboration tool. My Evernote contains every piece of information I need to know and I can access the info from anywhere. Oh, a raving fan of Evernote!