11 Funny Print Ads That’ll Make You Laugh For Sure

Monday is usually a slow day when it comes to productivity, creativity, and pretty much anything that requires inspiration. So I thought I’d give you guys a hand and get things going at a faster, funnier pace. How am I going to do that, you ask? Well, I’ve put together a showcase of the 11 funniest print ads I could find.
They provide great inspiration for your graphic design projects, as well as a serious laugh. And in case you were wondering, you can find a lot more ads (whatever tickles your fancy) on an awesome website called Ads of the World. But for now, let’s focus our attention on this funny print ads collection!
1. Bose Headphones
2. Hansaplast Ear Plugs
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3. Visine Eye Drops
4. Baygon Bug Spray
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5. ANCAP (The Australasian New Car Assessment Program)
6. Kiss FM Radio Stations
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7. Nutri Balance Dog Food
8. Wolf Hot Sauce
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9. Utopolis Group of Cinemas
10. Mag-Lite Flashlight
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11. Coca-Cola Light
And there you have it – a hilarious collection of 11 print ads to kickstart your day with a dose of laughter and creativity! From clever wordplay to ingenious visual concepts, each ad sparks creativity in its own unique way, providing both inspiration for your graphic design projects and a serious laugh.
So, armed with fresh ideas and a smile on your face, dive back into your day. Remember the power of laughter and creativity to brighten even the dullest of Mondays. Keep creating, keep laughing, and let’s make this week one for the books!
Which of these seriously funny print ads is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.
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Yes I really enjoyed reading and LOLing. Krabby patty meal coming out tomorrow at your local Wendy’s
This was beyond funny! these pictures brought be great joy! Krabby patty meal is coming out tomorrow at wendys october 8th!