Print Ad Examples & Ideas From The 1960’s Advertisements

Print Ad Examples & Ideas From The 1960’s Advertisements

In the early years of the 1960s, the Americans were comfortably wrapped in post-war complacency, not even suspecting the huge changes their country would go through in the coming decade. The nation’s innocence was shattered by the assassination of its promising young president, a growing racial divide,  and escalating military action in Southeast Asia. It was like a new era began; a new youth culture emerged as more and more teenagers rebelled against the conventions of the previous generation. This was new America, and fashion, sexuality, communal living, drug use, draft dodging, and sit-ins were all elements of an increasing Generation Gap. Let’s take a plunge into 1960s advertisements and print ad examples and see how the industry has evolved over the years.

1960s Concert Posters

Led Zeppelin Print Ad from the 1960s

print ad examples from 60s

Jimi Hendrix Poster 1969

ads from the 1960s

Iconic figures such as Bob Dylan, Muhammad Ali, Jimi Hendrix, and Andy Warhol brought controversy and color to this tumultuous decade. In contrast, cultural events such as The Graduate, Stonewall March, and The Monterey Pop Festival provided indelible images of a bellwether time in American society. Whether it was Beatlemania, bumper-stickers, or bell-bottoms, the cultural contributions of the ’60s made it obvious that the times were certainly changing. The above iconic 1960s print ads for bands were what was hip at that time.

Bob Dylan – Univ. of Mass. Concert Poster – 1964

Bob Dylan concert poster

In the 1960s, print advertising came to life. There were some big changes: art directors dropped line drawings, which were common in the 50s, and started using photographs. Photographs were considered more believable by people, and copywriters and art directors were becoming much more inventive in getting their messages across.

In the ’60s, advertising transformed into a more modern approach in which creativity shined, creating unexpected messages that made the ads more appealing to the public’s eye. Let’s take, for example, the Volkswagen ad campaign, which featured headlines like “Think Small” or “Lemon” (used to describe the appearance of an automobile); this campaign ushered in the era of modern advertising by promoting a “unique selling proposition” or “position,” designed to associate each brand with a certain idea in the viewer’s mind.

This American advertising period was called the Creative Revolution, and it had William Bernbach as an archetype, the man who helped create the revolutionary Volkswagen adverts, among others. Needless to say, some of the most creative and ageless American ads date from this period.

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Examples 1960’s Advertisements For Food & Beverages

Campbell’s Golden Mushroom Soup Collectible (1967)

campbell's soup ads 1960s

As with most of the food ads from the 1960s, this soup doesn’t really look so tasty. Notice the specific red-colored type and the format of the ad: image at the top and text/description at the bottom of the print.

LifeSaver’s Five Flavor Assortment of Candy (1962)

print ad examples

This is a very colorful print ad, and it couldn’t be otherwise because it’s for fruity candy with five flavors.

Jell-o Just Picked Fruit Taste (1968)

1960s food ads

The type of treatment seems to jump in your eyes, right? Actually, your view focuses on the black text and afterwords on the image below. The text in the middle of the page is hardly noticeable.

1960’s Kellogg’s Corn Flakes

1960 Kellogg's cornflakes ad

Again, another print ad from Kellogg’s has lots of red on the background and the type of treatment of the brand.

Coke Santa and Terrier (1961)

60s coca cola ads

Now, how can you deny that Coke had something to do with the “invention” of Santa? Just notice how the Coca-Cola logo has slightly changed since then.

Seven Up (1963)

Seven Up Poster

This looks like a watercolor version of ads from the 1960s, and, as you can see, it has a large image on 3/4 of the print and copy at the bottom. Notice the label of the 7Up bottle. It’s so simple in graphics.

Check out 10 Awesome Print Ads For Inspiration

1960s Alcohol Ads Example

Chivas Regal’s Blended Scotch Whisky (1963)

ads from the 60s - Chivas Regals

We just love the bottle, the label, and the Chivas box! It screams elegance and royalty. Notice the grungy background of the print.

Campari Aperitif Wine Space Bottle Rocket Art (1963)

ads from the 60s

In this Campari ad, the main idea was to correlate the text with the image – “it’s just out of this world!”

Cinzano Vermouth ad from 1960

ads from the 60s

I very much like the watercolor drawings on the background of this Cinzano print ad.

Cigarettes/Tobacco 1960’s Advertisements

Winston – Bob Peak (1968)

ads from the 60s

This print ad from Winston combines the painted images with the cigarette pack in an artistic versus realistic sort of way.

Marlboro Cigarette Cowboy Horse (1969)

ads from the 60s

This is an all-time favorite Marlboro ad. If anyone saw this photo without the cigarette pack, they would certainly think of Marlboro.

Winston (1966)

ads from the 60s

I personally find the bright yellow a little disturbing, but that’s just the way the print ads in those times used to combine colors like yellow, red, and green.

Check out Creative Elevator Ads

Beauty Print Ad Examples

1967 Max Factor Magazine Advertisement – “California Pink-A-Pades”

ads from the 1960s

This example of 60s advertisements for Max Factor’s Pink-a-Pades looks very childish to me; maybe it’s because of all the pink and yellow. But I guess it serves its purpose, to accentuate the idea of  “pink.” Notice how graphics are combined with photos and the shades on the type.

1969 – “Pink is for Girls” Lustre Creme (USA)

Lustre Cream Pink is for girls Print Ad 1960s

I like the graphics on this print ad, although the size seems a little over exaggerated.

Channel No.22 Lady Flowers Perfume 60’s (1965)

ads from the 1960s

A simple print ad for a famous perfume. It’s created based on a beautiful photo and black and gray type.

Dana Pullman Mens Cologne Train Photo (1967)

ads from the 1960s

The type on this ad looks like one from the circus, but let’s admit that it is very bold for those days. The fragrance bottle looks roughly added to the image, doesn’t it?

Avon Print Ad (1962)

ads from the 1960s

Wow, I didn’t even know that Avon went so way back! Again, we can see the red text on the ad and on the products.

Max Factor Ultralucen (1969)

60s advertisements

They tried to create a glow effect on this picture, but I guess their resources were limited. See how the large type is outlined and looks transparent.

QT Suntan Lotion Ad 1960s

ads from the 1960s

I don’t think it’s ok to use underline in the title, but hey, it’s the ’60s. Anything is possible!

1969 Magazine Advertisement – “The Can Bag” from Campbell’s Soup

ads from the 1960s

The large type on the upper side of the print ad and the font used are specific to this period. I just love the type of Campbell’s logo.

Check out: 12 Iconic Songs Vintage Posters

1960s Movie Posters Examples

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

1960 film posters

Lots of types in a variation of brown colors in this example of 60s advertisements, so Western, right?

Debbie Reynolds Unsinkable Molly Brown Movie (1964)

ads from the 1960s

This print ad has such a playful design! I love the type of treatment of the title, the colors, and the illustrations.

Winning (Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, and Robert Wagner) (1969)

1960 film posters

Wow, check out this bright red! It certainly catches your eye! I like the sketchy look of this print in this example of 60s advertisements. It looks like it’s out of a comic book.

“Hercules Unchained” (Steve Reeves) (1960)

1960 film posters

This is really an outcome! Check out the 3d lettering and the cool illustration in this example of ads from the 1960s!

Royal Winnipeg Ballet Photos Trade (1961)

Royal Winnipeg Ballet Poster

I’ve run across a bunch of ballet posters in 1960s advertisements, and they were all very monochrome.

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Industrial 1960s Print Ad Examples From The 1960s

1964 Monroe Typing Machine Magazine Advertisement

Marilyn Monroe typing print ad

I think this is the brightest red I’ve ever seen! I just can’t take my eyes off this lady’s coat. I can’t deny the poster is both business and stylish.

1960’s Advertisements – Magazine Ad – Sony (USA)

woman holding a tv

They were so right! Sony has come a long way since then, but they are still at the top of the industry. This small television ad is so cute!

1965 Magazine Advertisement – Lightolier (USA)

Print Ad Examples & Ideas From The 1960's Advertisements

This looks like a top notch design for a lamp! I like it!

Car and Motorcycle Ads from the 1960s

1966 Ford Fairlane Convertible (USA)

Print Ad Examples & Ideas From The 1960's Advertisements

This print ad from Ford looks so retro! You can still see the rays on today’s illustrations or poster designs.

1964 – “Ugh” Volkswagen 2 (USA)

Volkswagen Ugh Print Ad 1960

You can barely see the actual car in this print ad, but that’s just the idea of the guys who designed this print. I like the totem design, even if I don’t really see it’s point in the ad.

Honda Prin Ad 1960

It seems like the colors of this ad have been seriously enhanced and they have an orange glow. I find the background a bit too dark, but I like the wheels!

Travel Print Ads from the 1960s

JAL Japan Airlines Hostess Eiffel Tower (1969)

Japan Airlines Print Ad 1969

Check out how the image of the Japanese woman fades and becomes transparent to give a surreal feel to the ad.

South Pacific Airlines “Unwind In Tahiti” (1961)

South Pacific Airlines Print Ad

Oh, I would unwind in Tahiti today, not tomorrow! A simple concept, but notice that the whole ad is black and white and only the image on the clock of Tahiti is in color to enhance the beauty of the place.

Air France Pauper’s Guide Europe George Price (1969)

Air France Print Ad 1969

I like the comic-like graphics and the blossom-orange background on this print ad.

Home Deco Print Ads from the 1960s

1968 print ad: Ozite Carpet Tiles

Ozited Carpet Ad 1960s

Very suggestive image and great colors on this print ad. There is a lot of copy on the lower half of this print ad, it takes a while to read the whole thing! Otherwise, as usual: big title, simple fonts, big image and small copy at the end.

Which one of the 1960’s print ads & print ad examples is your favorite? Let us know!

Like this print ad examples post? Check out more amazing graphic design inspiration here.

11 Comments on “Print Ad Examples & Ideas From The 1960’s Advertisements

  1. Hi,

    I am creating a Static Website for a class that I am in. I was wondering if I could use a few of the logos used here including the kellogs and cigarettes logos?


  2. OMG, I think you might actually be brain dead. You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Typing Machine??? No, it isn’t. You write like a 6 year old. Just stop, you are embarrassing yourself to anyone who actually knows this topic. Ugh…

  3. In the VW ad, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out (especially if you actually READ the copy, you useless fuck-tard) that they are spoofing all of the “SALE,SALE,SALE” ads of this time. You like the totem design? I understand why you don’t get the point; you’re an idiot.

  4. In the VW ad, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out (especially if you actually READ the copy, you useless moron) that they are spoofing all of the “SALE,SALE,SALE” ads of this time. You like the totem design? I understand why you don’t get the point; you’re an idiot.

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