Ignorance Might Be the Best Thing for Your Creativity

Ignorance Might Be the Best Thing for Your Creativity

“It’s much easier and much more useful not to know things sometimes”.

You may find this phrase a little unusual, but it is, in fact, the truth. Although we cannot deny the significance of knowledge, the known can sometimes block our way to creativity. When you research and do comprehensive study before venturing into something, your original thought process can get affected. All that research and known things will fill your mind with ideas already done by someone before. Therefore, our inexperience is a plus for thinking originally and unconventionally. In contrast to our thorough knowledge and common sense, ignorance can actually prove to be our strength.

The Advantages of Ignorance


Image Source: Pixabay.com

All the new generations are growing up with a plethora of readily-made answers available online. They have answers to their questions in the blink of an eye without even really searching. But we must understand that answers aren’t the root of creativity, questions are. When questions are asked, they excite our curiosity and spark our curiosity to find what is still unknown.

Acknowledging your ignorance and utilizing it to discover or pursue something unique is a true treasure. It helps us in coming up with solutions to problems without knowing what someone has already done. This, in turn, will help you harness the useful qualities of ignorance that were previously not thought of. We all need unknowns, they are important. If they are not there, there wouldn’t be anything new to discover or create. Lack of knowledge is an amazing catalyst for learning and an opportunity to view something from a new angle. For example, if I am asked to work on a project about which I know nothing, I would gladly accept it. It will provide me with the perfect chance to see it from a different perspective and set a fresh approach towards it.

There are a lot of people that will be intimidated by the thought of looking stupid when doing something like this. They don’t want to seem ignorant or weak among others, especially in today’s competitive world. They would happily choose to follow someone’s step rather than imprinting their own. But there is nothing to be ashamed of, ask questions and stay ignorant. Ignorance should be a tool that motivates you for self-improvement.

The Dark Side of Ignorance:


Image courtesy of Vladimir Kudinov 

It is true that lack of knowledge sparks creativity and helps us discover the unknown, but ignorance has its own share of shortcomings as well. It can prove to be a useful tactic but certainly it is not a long-term strategy. Ignorance can be the cause for several social problems like prejudice and withdrawal from society. It is in our hands to choose to ignore whoever and whatever we want. Therefore, we often ignore issues we see on the internet, TV or the people in our lives that possess different ideas, opinions and philosophies about the world. We cannot remain ignorant of the basics, especially those relevant to our social lives. You cannot cut yourself off from the world in being ignorant.

Ignorance and Creative Drive:


Image courtesy of Vladimir Kudinov 

Apart from the small drawbacks, ignorance is extremely useful when used appropriately. In fact, Charles Caleb Colton rightly said:

[pixel77_quote type=”1″ quote='”Ignorance lies at the bottom of all human knowledge, and the deeper we penetrate, the nearer we arrive unto it.”‘]

We have heard almost everyone saying “knowledge is power”, but who has properly considered the power of ignorance. It takes a lot of time and patience for knowledge to build something which ignorance may pull down in a couple of hours. Knowledge takes centuries to widen its discoveries and keep records of it whereas ignorance is like a little fire, giving us the much-needed drive for creativity.

So, next time you have any idea or a project to work on; do not go into the research and preparation phase. Do not premeditate. Just start your work right away. Your mind will fight its way to originality and creativity. You can jump head first into your work and leave the fact-checking for later on.

What is your take on ignorance? Is it a driving force or a draw-back? Tell us in the comment section below.

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