How A good Logo Will Bring Potential Customers To Your Business

How A good Logo Will Bring Potential Customers To Your Business

Logo of a company is an icon, symbol or graphic element designed to serve as emblem of the company. Logo design plays crucial role in marketing and brand positioning of a company. Well crafted logo is important to create immediate brand recognition and draw attention of potential customers. This visual identity is widely used in different promotional items ranging from billboards to corporate gifts, office stationery to website. Given its versatile nature, wide adaptability, there are several areas where logo design can be used to attract potential customers in your business.

Constituents of logo

Before you proceed to identify these areas check out whether your components of your logo design are in order. Usually, a logo is made up of three components – logotype, icon and slogan.


Logotype is referred to the unique typeface or fonts used by logo designer to depict name of the company. It is desirable to use maximum two fonts in the logo design. The typeface should not be too complicated or stylized. Have a look at the logos above to get an idea about complicated and simple logotype.


Logo icon is the symbol or brand mark that represents the company. A logo icon is essential part of logo design. Many established brands simply use their icon as logo without any typeface or slogan. As such, icon can be described as most vital part of the logo design. A logo designer should try to come up with unique and simple icon that represents business, vision and purpose of the company. Some iconic logos representing renowned brands are given above. Users can easily recall the brand as soon as they see the icon.


Slogan or tagline of logo is either a brief description of the company or a phrase suggesting business of the company. It is deemed necessary for companies or brands that are new in the market. Even some established brands use slogans and change them periodically in response to market demand.

Focus on function







Now that we have known the components of a good logo design it is imperative to make sure whether the logo developed by your logo designer or logo designing company is effective and functional. In order to draw attention of target customers, a logo should portray that it thinks, produces and delivers separately than its competitors.

Only a simple, unique and clearly designed logo can convey the message to all types of people with varied level of intellect. The above logo describes business of the company and colorful mood of the business.

If you are planning to spread your business in foreign countries then let the logo designer know about such destinations and make sure that the logo design is not offending for the people in those lands.

Make sure that the logo design can be “blown up” or minimized without loss of appeal or vital elements.

Do’s and Don’ts

Logo design appears very simple but only a logo designer knows that simple logos are most difficult to design. Try to use regular geometric shapes. Free form shapes have a tendency to fall apart off the surface. Avoid using heavy decorations, complicated images, and image of a living person on your logo. Never use any religious elements in logo.


Impress and engage your audience with clever tricks and innovative logo design. Have a close look at the above logo design. Other than intelligent use of blank space “S” has been stylized and a simple dot added to create the impression of an elephant head in the logo. Considering name of the company and its business, this subtle trick makes it an impressive logo design.


Choose a design that is expected to last long. A lot of effort and money is invested to establish identity of a logo. If you can nurture it for a long period it becomes an asset. Some memorable logos have lasted for generations and contributed to the much desired brand value of the companies. Have a close look at the evolution of Shell logo over years.

Use of color

Color is a crucial element in logo design. Many companies prefer using their corporate colors in their logo. However, it should not be binding on the logo designer. If you are hiring a professional logo design company then let them come up with an innovative logo design. You may suggest your views but it is desirable to depend on professional advice.


While bold colors like red draw attention lighter shades communicate relaxed mood and stability. Gray, dark brown, rust, dark burgundy and black are considered as masculine shades. Pink, peach, lavender and light blue are more feminine. Logos having metallic tones are associated with elegant and expensive products.



In many cases logo is the first choice of your company to make an impression with prospective clients. We have discussed the elements that constitute a good logo design. Everyday we are surrounded by many logos that “work”. There are several factors that should be considered while designing a logo and it should be best left to pros in the business. Small businesses with low budget should think of hiring professional logo designer to create custom log design that is unique, simple and memorable. Such a logo helps in bringing potential customers to your business.

Your turn

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7 Comments on “How A good Logo Will Bring Potential Customers To Your Business

  1. excellent article. As a logo designer i’m always looking for more trade secretes and tips, and this helps out incredibly. I’m going to have to quote this article a lot!!


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