Talented Mommy Inspired by Her Two Year Old Drawings

Talented Mommy Inspired by Her Two Year Old Drawings

“I didn’t get into design to be an artist. To me, an artist creates things to evoke emotion. Being a designer goes a step further than that, not only trying to evoke emotion but trying to make a reaction. It is very objective-driven, and that’s what makes it interesting.”

– Mike Davidson

A talented mommy got inspired by her two year old drawings, and decided to complete them. Ruth Oosterman is the mommy in case here, and she is a Canadian artist, based in Toronto that loves to explore her creative side when she’s not taking care of her sweet child.


“Ruth strives to inspire and provoke her audience through visual means to stand up for human rights and freedom. Although her passion to raise awareness of poverty, human trafficking and other world issues remains a priority, Ruth also tries to evoke positivity and joy through her lighter and more vibrant pieces. Her greatest inspiration comes from God, the Creator of beauty, who has given her the desire to change the world for better with whatever means she has.”

You can check more of her art on her website, add Ruth to your circles on Google+, and like her on Facebook.

1. Blueberry Giraffe


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“I brought Eve over to the mirror and she dissolved into giggle fits about her new look, I believe this is what inspired her to help me create, “Mr. Blueberry Giraffe.” I have been so excited to not only to continue collaborating with her, but because there are just SO many ways we can! Since she usually starts the painting and I finish it I thought, this time, I would try letting her have control of the paint and I the drawing. I had recently finished a giraffe sketch that I was planning to paint solo just that morning when I realized it would be a great way to kick off this idea.”

Ain’t it the cutest giraffe you’ve ever seen? Just a brilliant idea to work together with your child. Let him, or her, finish your work, or start it. Great way to think out of the box and let the creative juices flowing. “Mr. Blueberry Giraffe had two favorite things, blowing bubbles and eating blueberries. He would be hard pressed to say which one he loved more. One day he ate WAY too may blueberries, they say it was close to a thousand! Despite his sore tummy, he thought nothing of it, and sat under his favorite tree where every morning he used his beloved red pipe to blow bubbles. Mr. Giraffe would spend hours watching them drift off into the sky wondering about the journeys each would have. “

2. The Sunflower Princess


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“ Today’s collaboration portrays my most precious treasure, my daughter. Once she was finished her drawing she thrust it at me saying, “Paint, Paint, Paint?!?!” to which I obviously responded, “SURE!”. I then asked her what she wanted me to paint and she said, “EVE!” O boy. I began to wish she said something easy like a wooded forest or a porcupine! As I sat their staring at her drawing I had no idea where I was going to even begin. Slowly but surely I found a home for her beautiful face using one of her lines for the jawline, once I had that the rest just flowed.”

I’m really starting to like this duo. Cuteness at every drawing. Can’t believe Ruth managed to find a line and create the whole portrait out of that chaos.

3. The Lady and the Fox


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“One of the most important thing to me about collaborating with Eve is to make sure her vision is included and the finished piece still contains portions and shapes of her original piece. So as I sat their staring, trying to find direction, two random thoughts popped in my head. The movie Lady and the Tramp and how much Eve loves to spot Swiper the fox when we watch Dora. So lo and behold, that is where this painting drew it’s inspiration. The abstract part of the woman’s fox headpiece comes from all those beautiful shapes Eve sketched out that I didn’t want to lose, so I filled them in with color to help shape the headpiece.”

WOW. My jaw just dropped. It seems like Ruth managed to find her creativity beacon in her child. Have you ever been so inspired by a loved one that you created something from gibberish lines? It has to be true then. Inspiration comes from what you love, it comes when you put passion and you believe in yourself.

4. A Bookworm’s Dream


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“As I stared at Eve’s sketch, wondering what I would transform it into, I was soaking in every ounce of quiet as she peacefully slept. I knew it wouldn’t be long until she woke and the second half of our day would begin. It is in these moments I like to imagine myself in a surreal world where every tree is a bookshelf and underneath each one is the world’s comfiest, worn in leather chair.

There is no such thing as artificial lighting, clocks, rush hour, deadlines, texting or even telephones for that matter. Even as the sun sets and one beings to worry that all chances of reading would diminish with the light, dangling from the trees are lanterns that are home to families of fireflies. As these fireflies gather at dusk to party the night away in their tiny houses you can breathe a sigh of relief that there will be no end to the magical world of a bookworm’s dream.”

That looks like a nice place to just take a nap, and a sunbath also.

Hope you liked this talented mommy’s art work. Her duo with her child is absolutely mesmerizing, and it reaches the utmost cutest levels. If you have anything to add, or just want to drop by and say “Hello”, you can do so by posting in the comments section below.

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