How to create a T-shirt design
If you’re wondering how to source cool T-shirt designs then read further.
First , make sure you have a good idea about what you want: a few keywords to describe your future designs. Get some examples of designs you like would help. Get insipred but DON’T COPY!
At this point, you have 3 options:
- either start drawing it yourself if you have the skills,
- get someone to do it for you
- or buy royalty-free vector elements that you can combine yourself.
Here are some examples:
- T-shirt designs created with royalty-free vector elements.
The advantage of a stand-alone, hand-drawn design is that it’s unique. If you’re experienced enough with the pencil, you’ll get the job done right-on. O the other hand, it is time consuming and exhaustive to do.
Using vector elements, you’ll get your design ready fast and quick. Also with professionally drawn vectors you can obtain more than one design using the same elements.
All in all, these are only a matter of choice, taste and resources, so pick the one that fits you the best.
Now that you have your design ready, you want to get it on your shirt. A good idea is to consult the printing company and ask them about the printing options for your design.
Here are a few examples of stunning T-shirt designs placed on chest and torso.
What method do YOU use most often?
Always vector. Spot color so it can be screen printed as well as digital direct.
Some fades and airbrushing are done in Photoshop but placed into my Vector program. Adobe Illustrator.
Great article. There is a lot of good information here,
Selecting a t-shirt from different brands which is suits your company logo would be a difficult job, so custom t-shirt is the best solution for those who want to have a seperate t-shirts with their company logo.