Cynical illustrations that reflect our times

Cynical illustrations that reflect our times

“When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution isn’t beautiful, I know it is wrong.”

– Richard Buckminster Fuller

Eduardo Salles is a Mexican Illustrator. Let me rephrase that. Eduardo Salles is an incredibly talented and funny Mexican Illustrator. He also likes to meddle with designing, writing and being a professor and whatnot. He used to be a creative director for Nike, Kit Kat and Red Cross Mexico – a really great career so far.

He has had so many great projects, like, and his Tumblr page is filled with exquisite art pieces that will surely put a smile on your face. We have rounded up some of his best work of illustrations depicting cynical day to day things, for your and our enjoyment. Just scroll down and let the fun begin.

1. Cleavage Prejudices


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Hmmm, cleave prejudices? Yup, they do exist. We seriously can run around our tail and discuss how beauty doesn’t matter, but it clearly does. We tend to let beautiful people get away with so much, and if an ugly person does the same we tend to ostracize them. I am not picking any sides here. Women and men are equally at fault.

So what if that guy is staring at your cleavage? Big deal, get over it. That girl that you are gawking isn’t paying attention to you? Move on buddy, maybe it is a sign that she clearly isn’t interested, and has other problems to worry.

2. Please Like Me


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Unfortunately, we look with disgust at homeless people, and we blame them for their situation, without taking into account a million factors that made this possible. Homeless people have not just only lost their house, they aren’t just poor and struggling on the streets, they have to struggle with people considering them inferior on a daily basis.

Besides not being able to accomplish basic human needs like taking a shower in the morning, or having a hot meal, they are treated with utter disgust. Why? Just because fate played a wrong card on them? Think before you judge. Help your fellow man a bit, we are all in this strange world and we are all trying to make sense of it.

3. A Fairy Tale Story


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Guys, girls, there is no such thing as a fairy tale story. Please leave your materialism and sex driven goals in the past. Are you looking for prince charming to provide for your every single need? Why? You can do that by yourself, and besides feeling accomplished as a human being, you could also look for something else in a man.

Like actually wanting to be with him. Hey, you there, wannabe prince charming. Yeah, you, stop trying to have meaningless relationships with every pretty little dummy that you encounter. It won’t fill up the void in your soul. Find something that you are passionate about, and do that. Good things may come to those who wait, greater things may come to those who seek them.

4. The Five Digit Family


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From left to right we have Doug McHunger, Gilbert the SuperMarket Supervisor, Awful Terry, Sane Jack, and little Timmy. Doug is addicted to hamburgers, and everything that is food. Don’t get on his wrong side, because he can take a big bite out of you. Gilbert always wanted a career in the Post Office, but they didn’t give him the job, on the means of failing some sort of psychological test.

Awful Terry  just got released from Prison. He did awful things that he doesn’t want to talk about. He is the silent type. Silent, but deadly. Sane Jack, well, Sane Jack is sort of special, and not in the good way. His favorite activity is to daydream. He is really good at that. And finally, little Timmy.

He is the head of the family, he is like a bazillion years older than every one of the digits. He has seen some cruel stuff in his life, and only recently has he discovered that being neutral about everything will bring you absolutely no joy in life. He likes it that way.

5. Smartphones problems


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Well, to be honest, it’s kind of a like an epidemic. Everyone is staring at their phones. It is not just only that life passes you by while you look at them, but the dangers of not paying attention to your surroundings are tremendous. Countless people have died because they were looking at their phones while driving, not paying attention to the road.

But let’s not go that tragedy path. Let’s explore a nice and quiet night out with friends at the local pub. You see everyone staring down at their phones, being on the internet, or playing some stupid game. People. You are out in the world, socialize with everyone like a normal human being.

I don’t condemn if you want to show a friend a picture, a video on your phone, or that cool app you found. But spending time on your phone while being out with friends is just blatantly disrespecting your fellow friends and you should stop it. Immediately.

6. Google+


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Stop trying to make Google+ happen. It won’t happen. By shoving it down on our throats, you won’t make us like it, but on the contrary – we are starting to hate it with a passion. I don’t want to synch my YouTube account with my Google+ account.

It is enough that you made it possible to have a Google+ account automatically made with a Gmail, or YouTube one. It’s not even that great to be honest – it’s chaotic, it’s not user friendly at all. What’s up with all the “ X has added you to his circles” – should I be afraid?

Eduardo Salles has surely brought a big smiley to our faces with these cynical illustrations, but what about you? What do you think about these posters depicting day to day problems? Please tell us in the comments section below.

3 Comments on “Cynical illustrations that reflect our times

  1. Very true! that always happen but no one want to admit that people who around us is much more ” exist ” than them on phone.
    Most of my friends just want to find someone on the phone that doesn’t really need to face to face and tell them how our feeling but not the one that already next to them.
    That is kind of sadness.:(

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