Artist of the Week – Irina Vinnik

Artist of the Week – Irina Vinnik

This week, inspiration comes from Saint Petersburg, Russia – Irina Vinnik, artist, designer and illustrator. She illustrates stunning nature themes, combined with some beautiful typography and abstract shapes.

Irina Vinnik is a mysterious artist known for her unique mix of strange and deep feelings in her art. She grew up in St. Petersburg, Russia, where she got lots of inspiration from Russian stories and history. Vinnik’s paintings aren’t like regular ones. They make you feel like you’re in a dream, where real life mixes with dreams.

She’s really good at using colours and shapes to make you feel something deep inside. Looking at her art makes you think about life and feelings. Vinnik’s paintings take you on a journey into the human mind and show you how beautiful and strange it can be.

She also published a children’s book containing worldwide stories and legends told through breathtaking graphics. Her work is impressive and unique.

Check Out Some Work By Irina Vinnik:

abstract pencil drawing
nature illustration
abstract inked shape
Irina Vinnik art
nature type treatment
Irina Vinnik art
abstract nature thorns illustration
nature ink design
Irina Vinnik
old-style ink drawings
abstract colorful shape
Irina Vinnik
papyrus drawing
Irina Vinnik
book pages with japanese dolls
Irina Vinnik
japanese doll pages

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7 Comments on “Artist of the Week – Irina Vinnik

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