Creative Dad Makes Colorful Artistic Pancakes For His Kid
“I work out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; take Thursday off; then I work out Friday and Saturday. So sometimes I’ll eat whatever I want on Thursday, like a big breakfast of pancakes and bacon and eggs and stuff. You can eat a big, hearty breakfast because you’re going to burn off most of it during the day anyway.”
– Mark Wahlberg
Breakfast is, by all accounts, the most important meal of the day. Your body is an engine, and like all engines, it requires fuel to run, so starting the day on an empty stomach is like going on a cross-country drive with only a half a tank of gas.
“Do not skip breakfast!” is what I am trying to say.
Like Marky Mark so brilliantly illustrates in the quote above, a good breakfast is pivotal to having a productive day. And eating can also be a marvellous opportunity to showcase your creative skills, so you can start flexing your imagination muscles early in the morning. Call it a light stretch.
Food can be a terrific outlet for creativity, as we have explored in a couple of previous articles, and today we will be looking at a few awesome pancakes that a Reddit user called ptgbgte did for his kid.
I know I am pretty darn envious that my dad could not make me a breakfast this cool. But I am all grown up now, and thanks to ptgbgte I am super pumper about giving it a go myself.
1. Finding Pancake
You have to be all kind of heartless not to have liked Finding Nemo. I can only imagine what incredible glee it must be to see that movie as a child, and have a Nemo themed pancake the following morning.
2. Pancakeasaurus Rex
Watching this really made me want to dust off my old Jurassic Park box set and watch the whole thing all over again, and I think I just might do that. But only after I give it my best and try making myself a pancake like this one.
3. Pancake Needle
The Space Needle in Seattle, Washington is one of those instantly recognizable landmarks. It is a monument of modern architecture, and a place a really want to see one day. Hopefully by that time they will have this on the menu, and I can smother it in maple syrup.
4. Pancakeceros
There are few things as cute as a baby rhinoceros, or as majestic and strong as a grown up one. There’s a certain stoic quality they posses which, really, I just find humbling. Also, the sky in this pancake looks like bacon. I live for bacon.
5. Dire Pancake
One of the most efficient pack hunters, wolves are amazing creatures, trapped somewhere between adorable fluffy puppies and ravenous furry killing machines. I am guessing that here we are supposes to see the latter, but it is hard, seeing as the pancake is a bit blood colored.
6. Pancaketacea
See, I do not know how to swim, and I find most aquatic creatures absolutely terrifying. But for whatever reason, I absolutely adore whales. More so than dolphins. Whale songs are absolutely haunting, and they just seem so wise and wonderful.
7. Pancakrot
At my local market, there is this pet shop that has an absolutely gorgeous parrot, which is also extremely friendly. Every time I pay him a visit, he does this awesome little trick where he takes a nut, and starts “juggling” with it, putting it behind one wing, and pulling out from behind the other, or catching it with his feet.
8. The Happy Kid and Pansharkake
Lastly, we have a picture of the kid, and photographic evidence of how awesome it has to be to have a dad like him. Congratulation, ptgbgte! You definitely win at parenting.
That about concludes this article. I hope you enjoyed watching these pancakes as much as me. I will definitely be trying to make some of my own, and if you feel like doing it too, go ahead and leave us the results in the comment section below, as well as what you thought about our article.
Enjoyable article one.
Thanks for sharing with us great content.
The cakes look so funny