15 Books Every Graphic Designer Should Read

For starting designers, a few guidelines can make a real difference between a smooth debut, with a clean work flow and a stressful one, with tons of coffee both spilled and drunk. This set of books will provide a useful set of advices a designer should know: design, business, how to handle clients, pricing and more. Here they are.
Essential Principles of Graphic Design by Debbie Millman
1000 Graphic Elements by W. Harvey
A Smile in the Mind – Witty Thinking in Graphic Design by Beryl McAlhone & David Stuart
The Graphic Design Business Book – Tad Crawford
Becoming a Graphic Designer: A Guide to Careers in Design by Steven Heller and Teresa Fernandes
Typeface: Classic Typography for Contemporary Design by Tamye Riggs
Great Graphic Design on a Budget – How to Do More with Less by Scott Witham
Graphic Design: The New Basics by Ellen Lupton and Jennifer Cole Phillips
A History of Graphic Design by Philip B. Meggs
Bibliographic: 100 Classic Graphic Design Books by Jason Godfrey
100 Habits of Successful Graphic Designers by PLAZM
Graphic Artists Guild Handbook Pricing & Ethical Guidelines
Selling Graphic & Web Design by Donald Sparkman
Designing with Type – The Essential Guide to Typography by James Craig
How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer by Debbie Millman
How To Be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul by Adrian Shaughnessy
Design Diaries: Creative Process in Graphic Design by Lucienne Roberts and Rebecca Wright
Graphic Design: A User’s Manual by Adrian Shaughnessy
How to Create a Portfolio and Get Hired by Fig Taylor
What is Typography? by David Jury
The Elements of Graphic Design – Space, Unity, Page Architecture, and Type by Alex W.White
Do you know any other useful books for graphic designers? Please share them with us.
Awesome, thanks Adriana
Seriously surprised I didn’t see Meggs’ History of Graphic Design. Every graphic designer should have that book.
i love how every time i see one of these lists, there is always some pretentious reply saying “oh that is good and all but you forgot blah, blah, blah…” MAKE YOUR OWN LIST THEN!
Great stuff, Adriana!
nice post !!!
good resource thanks!!!
wow that is a really great tut ! i love this text effect
I’ll definitely be adding a few of those to my Christmas list! Since I am still in school, I am constantly working on side projects and building my portfolio, hoping that the hard work pays off. I came across this contest the other day were designers submit brochures, flyers, posters, etc. that they have transformed into pieces of art. There are tons of cool prizes, like a new Macbook or $1,000 in cash! Plus new pieces to add to your portfolio. Check it out! http://www.design-egency.com/
very very informative, thanks a lot.!!