When you formulate a goal, focus on the behavior that will lead to the achievement of the goal, and not the goal itself. Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that their ambition has seen them where they are today. Employers …

How to Manage and Structure your Ambition Read more »

Working as a freelancer gives you a huge amount of independence and flexibility in your professional life. You can choose your own hours, jettison difficult clients at will, and fit your projects around your family commitments with unparalleled freedom. There …

Freelancers: How to Stoke Your Motivation and Get Things Done Read more »

We all should strive to grow as people, to overcome our flaws and accentuate our virtues. It’s good to want to evolve. The problem is that most people keep falling into the same traps over and over again. It all really boils down to talking about personal development all the time without actually getting any done. Why do we do this?