In some ways, animation has been around almost as long as painting has, although, as you would expect, the illusion of movement was much more primitive, and we use the term very appropriately, as the animations we’re talking about are paleolithic cave paintings. They depict animals with more sets of legs than they really do have, in an attempt to capture the phenomenon of movement.

Watercolor painting is, for most of us, the very first art form we are introduced to. It is through watercolors that people discover their passion and skill for visual arts, and that first experience with creating something totally new from nothing is the feeling that all artists chase after every time they create new works. Watercolor painting begins its history as an art medium in the 15th century, during the time of the Renaissance.

The Brainik Network has started Black Friday Fever this week, with a wide range of discounts and freebies on all of their websites. So today, we’re here to let you know about the 50% discount available until December 2nd for …

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