We can’t say for sure if “Vintage” is a trend or a recurring phenomenon that happens once a style has been gone for a long enough while. The word itself has its roots in Latin, of course, the original word being “vindemia”, which loosely translates into “to take grapes”. Furthermore, to give you a short linguistics lesson, it is an Anglo-Norman alteration of the French world “vendange”, which neatly brings us to the topic of today’s article.

Web designers, like any artists, require tools and materials so that they can create their works. But, since we are just getting out of a recession, your budget probably still isn’t what it was a few years ago, and web design resources are not getting any cheaper. As a web designer, you are probably always on the look out for big discounts and excellent deals so you can stock up on all the things you need, without having to burn too much money.

Working as a freelancer gives you a huge amount of independence and flexibility in your professional life. You can choose your own hours, jettison difficult clients at will, and fit your projects around your family commitments with unparalleled freedom. There …

Freelancers: How to Stoke Your Motivation and Get Things Done Read more »

“People think that design is styling. Design is not style. It’s about giving a shape to the shell and not giving a damn about the guts. Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and …

7 Worst Things to Say to a Graphic Designer Read more »