“It’s much easier and much more useful not to know things sometimes”. You may find this phrase a little unusual, but it is, in fact, the truth. Although we cannot deny the significance of knowledge, the known can sometimes block …

Ignorance Might Be the Best Thing for Your Creativity Read more »

We can’t say for sure if “Vintage” is a trend or a recurring phenomenon that happens once a style has been gone for a long enough while. The word itself has its roots in Latin, of course, the original word being “vindemia”, which loosely translates into “to take grapes”. Furthermore, to give you a short linguistics lesson, it is an Anglo-Norman alteration of the French world “vendange”, which neatly brings us to the topic of today’s article.

Calligraphy is a visual art related to writing, Claude Mediaville described it as “ the art of giving form to signs in an expressive, harmonious, and skillful manner” and we couldn’t agree more. You see it everywhere, you see it …

7 Talented Calligraphers to Follow on Instagram Read more »

Your résumé is your calling card. It’s as simple as that. Getting hired is tough, especially these days. Everyone seems to be looking for a job. That’s why it’s important to make sure your CV or portfolio stand out from the others, because the pile is going to be very big.

Bucharest, as some of you may know, is the capital city of Romania, and has been so for just over 150 years, but the city itself is quite a bit older than that. First mentioned in 1459 when it became Vlad the Impaler’s residence, Prince of what was then known as Wallachia, the city started competing for the title of capital city, after subsequent rulers made it their court’s summer residence. It finally achieved its status as capital city after Wallachia and Moldavia united to form the Principality of Romania, in 1862.