Illustrator and Photoshop Tutorials Roundup – April 2013

Illustrator and Photoshop Tutorials Roundup – April 2013

The time has come to take a look at the most read and appreciated Illustrator and Photoshop tutorials from the last month, and brush up on your design skills the fun way. I’ve hand-picked the best ways in which we’re going to learn how to create a vector grass background, a military style emblem logo design, a paper receipt using Photoshop, a disaster scene, guitar string typography, how to use different skin tones in portrait illustration, how to draw a monster on a real picture and much more. I don’t want to make a big deal about it, but these tutorials are amazing. Check them out for yourself!

How to Create a Military Style Emblem Logo Design


Create a Paper Receipt in Adobe Photoshop


Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create Vector Grass Background


Use Photoshop and Illustrator to Create Guitar String Typography


Create an Earth Shattering Disaster Scene in Photoshop


How to Create a Conceptual Portrait Using the Scribble Effect in Adobe Illustrator


How to Create a Detailed Flag Stand Illustration in Adobe Illustrator


Draw an Electric Guitar in Photoshop


A Quick Lesson on Using Different Skin Tones in Portrait Illustration


How to Draw a Monster on a Real Picture


How to Create a Set of Heart Icons in Adobe Illustrator with the Mesh Tool


A Look at Various Sharpening Techniques in Photoshop


Illustrator Tutorial: Create Your Own Typographic Design


How to Create an 8-bit Pixel Character in Illustrator


Create a Beautifully Designed 3D Starfish Icon


Create Detailed Tulips with Gradient Mesh, without the Mesh Tool in Illustrator


Using Gradients to Create a Slick & Fun Cartoon Worm in Adobe Illustrator


Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create Premium Vector Badges


Have you found any other great design tutorials that I didn’t include in this showcase? Let us know in the comments section below.

6 Comments on “Illustrator and Photoshop Tutorials Roundup – April 2013

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  2. Excelente tutorialele. Saru’mana de efortul depus pentru intreaga echipa and keep it up! Articolele si resursele de aici ne fac viata si mai usoara, dar si mai interesanta!

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