Wanting to provide you with some of the best actions on the market, our sister website, Inky Deals partnered with the guys from DesignTNT and brought you a huge collection of high-quality PS Actions that will leave you speechless! With these actions you will be able to create outstanding designs in an incredibly short amount of time. They will do all the hard work and spare you from the effort of tweaking each parameter until you get it right.

Don’t miss your chance to get the biggest design bundles ever at an incredible low price! This brand-new bundle from Inky Deals contains thousands of different design resources worth an incredible $15,000! Everything you could possibly need is in this Big Bang Bundle – from vectors to PS addons, fonts, tutorials and even HTML5 templates!

WordPress is like the gift that keeps on giving. Currently the 18th largest website in the world, housing a staggering 60 million websites, WordPress is showing no signs of slowing down whatsoever. As of August 2013, 18.9% of the top 10 million websites use WordPress, cementing it as the number one blogging system in use, and it really is plain to see for anyone why this is the case.

Today we wanted to surprise you with a special collection of t-shirt designs that will definitely make your jaws drop!Why are they so special? Because the designs are specially created for t-shirts and other garments. They have unique-looking watercolor textures and there’s really nothing out there, that could be compared to them! They’re specially made for digital printing and are available in .PSD and .TIF file formats.