Surreal and Bizarre Photography by Martin De Pasquale

Surreal and Bizarre Photography by Martin De Pasquale

A shoe is not only a design, but it’s a part of your body language, the way you walk. The way you’re going to move is quite dictated by your shoes.

– Christian Loboutin

Ever wondered how your face would look like if it were grasped by a giant pair of laundry tongs? Well Martin De Pasquale imagined himself in that exact situation, and created a surreal and bizarre image. But he didn’t stop there. His imagination brought him to pursue eerie creations using his creative skills with programming.

Martin De Pasquale is an incredible digital artist who resides in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and he amazes us with his abstract art. His main focus seems to be art direction, retouching and digital art but isn’t afraid to tackle challenges of the typography and photography medium. His behance page is filled with such incredible art works. But let’s stop chit chatting and get down to the chase. We have compiled a list of his most impressive work for you to enjoy.

1. Abstract Summer


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We are what we drink. In this case, it seems that Martin is drinking himself. Well, I can fully understand him – it is incredibly hot outside, and it seems that summer has hit us right in the face with its wave of heat. Don’t get me wrong, I passionately love the summer and the joy it brings, but sometimes it is just too much.

Could he be possibly telling us, or making us aware of our fragile nature? Do we break easily as glass? Or are we made of a much sturdier composition? Either way, it is a pleasure to gawk at this piece of art.

2. Nightfall


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A shroud covering the beautiful city of Buenos Aires. Night time comes abruptly, a veil is being placed on the city and you find yourself being immersed in the wonderful darkness.

If you are as curious as me, you will go on his behance gallery and take a sneak peek at the phases of creation. Imagine walking through it, and feeling the silk brushing your body. The incredibly done details shock me.

3. Karma


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“Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म; IPA: [ˈkarmə]  means action, work or deed; it also refers to the principle of causality where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual.” It has origins in ancient India, but it also has deep rots in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism and other beliefs.

It seems that Martin is accustomed with Karma and its repercussions. It just amazes me how he created with perfection the bite marks, and the composition of the apple. Taking into care how light and humidity work with the fruit. Incredibly well done sir.

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4. Zipper


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Hey buddy, your fly is down. Or to be more exact, it is all over the tracks. Unzipping the landscape with such ease must be fulfilling. What do you think we will discover after unfolding earths skin? Ha-ha, I don’t know, we should ask Martin. I think he has a theory of some sort.

But, let’s get down to the important thing right here. I will definitely ride a zipper on the tracks. Would you?

5. Abstractions


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I bet that matches are living in a constant fear that their brethren that passed into another plain of existence, will eventually come and haunt them. Zombie matches are a thing, spread the word, don’t live in ignorance. Martin is doing his thing and is trying to warn us of inevitable doom.

Share his behance gallery for all to see. But seriously now, check the gallery out. Some of them, and when I say some of them I mean all of them, are downright amazing. His imagination, his creativity has no limits.

6. Hidden Consequences – Greenpeace


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Shell, as other oil and gas companies, is destroying our earth, and we aren’t doing anything about it, or we are doing too little. They are destroying the Arctic with their drill barge – Kulluk – depicted by Martin in his art.

If you are interested in the subject, Greenpeace has an incredible article right here, and you can probably give them a hand with other projects they are doing. Don’t let humanity drive to extinction polar bears, penguins, sea lions and other northern wildlife. Take a stand!

7. Invasion


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The invasion has begun. Doctor Stephen Hawking has warned us in the past that by trying to contact extraterrestrial life we may doom ourselves to the same fate as the Indians had – or any other civilization that has encountered another that has in their possessions higher technology.

With their swirling tentacles, these mechanized aliens are wreaking chaos all over the world. Or at least, they are wreaking chaos in Martin’s head. As his other pieces, this one is incredibly detailed. I can’t seem to stop looking away.

8. Meet All The Components Of Classical Music


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This set right here comes with your very own artist. He can do the job for you, so you can stand back and enjoy the music. Or if you think you are up for the task, take an instrument, pick anything – piano, cello, violin, trumpet – and seek enlightenment through the form of music. I’m not even kidding now.

It is never too late to pick up an instrument and start learning it. It can bring you joy on the darkest day. You can be your own favorite artist for those 20 minutes that you are playing. Getting in the zone and composing music, even if it is just for yourself, is an amazing experience.

9. God


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Playing “ God” has brought us technological advancements in medicine, military works, education, lifestyle – or to be more precise, in everything. We shouldn’t be ashamed for trying to seek the highest peak, but some of us are creating and destroying at the same time. A vicious cycle if you ask me, that has to be stopped, for the sake of humanity. Martin brilliantly depicts how we, as humans play “ God” – with ignorance, for our own amusement.

Which of these incredible pieces of art do you guys and girls prefer? Or maybe there is something that isn’t in our top 9 list and may be present on the artists behance page. Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear what our readers enjoy.

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