These Cakes Look too Good to be Eaten

These Cakes Look too Good to be Eaten

Imagine how it must have been for mankind before they discovered fire. Everyone always cold, near blind during the night, eating only raw food and most importantly, no cake. It definitely sounds like my own personal hell.

There is no clear archaeological proof of when we first began cooking our meals. Most anthropologists think it started happening sometime around 250,000 years ago, and there are a few scholars that say it may have happened as far back as 2.3 million years ago.


No matter how far back it dates, I sure am glad that I live in an age where cooking has become so much more than lighting a fire and burning meat. Nowadays, food is not only sophisticated, but also always reveals local culture and history, and if we are to get esoteric, it also sometimes bears people’s souls.

Although we may never get to taste things like mammoth meat, and probably a huge array of extinct plant life, we have more than made up for it with all the different ways in which we can prepare a meal and all the different ingredients that go into it. I mean, looking at cooking shows, even your average barbecue has become so much more that throwing meat and veg on the fire.

But perhaps one of the strangest developments in the history of gastronomy has to be the invention of desserts.

We may have been cooking for up to 2.3 million years, but desserts (proper ones, that are not just fruit) can be traced back no further than a few thousand years. I, for one, am pretty confident in saying that there is no use in talking about dessert before the discovery of sugar. So for me, that places the advent of desserts somewhere around the Middle Ages.

What would desert be without sugar? Sure, fruits are healthy, honey is nice, and ice cream, though not as we know it, may have been available as far back as 3000 BC. I would prefer, however, that you give me a cupcake, chocolate mousse, or cheesecake any day of the week. In fact, give them every day of the week!

Cakes are what we will be discussing in this article, as you could probably tell by the name, and I will be swallowing my own words with the very first fact about cakes that I am about to present.

I said that I would place the advent of desserts in the Middle Ages, because around that time sugar was first discovered. Well, in Ovid’s first book of exile, he describes his birthday parties as a child, and in his descriptions he mentions there being cake.

The word itself has its origins in Old Norse, in the word “kaka”, which is not the best name ever given to cake.

Cakes became mass-produced goods during the Great Depression when there was a need to provide easily made food to the millions of economically depressed people in America and the rest of the world. The available surplus of molasses led a company to patent a cake bread mix, and thus, “Cake in a Box” was born.

Now that you know a bit about the historical context of cake, it is time I show you what you came here to see: some absolutely fantastic cakes that look too good to be eaten.

1. Library Cake

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To be completely honest with you, it totally reminds me of Hannibal’s library from the show.

2. Happy Pigs Cake

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I really wish I was those piggies, right now, and I am not ashamed to admit it.

3. Up Cake

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The movie was incredible, and so is this cake.

4. Mars (?) Cake

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Planets have never looked this delicious.

5. Mom & Baby Giraffe Cake

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I love the cake. The baby giraffe is absolutely adorable. But a giraffe’s head does not bend that way.

6. James Bond Wedding Cake

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Golden eye!

7. Paleocake

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If digging for fossils were really like this, then I would not have quit on my childhood dream.

8. Earth Cake

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Not quite as eye-catching as the other planet cake, but I still would love to have this on my table. Now!

9. Snake Cake

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My mind is absolutely blown! Just look at how realistic it is!

10. Sorting Hat Cake

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I would start from the top, and work my way down.

11. Seasons Cake

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Yummy and educational.

12. Lego Pirates! Cake

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Mix Lego and cake and you get this awesome dessert.

13. Lung Cake

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If you have any doctor friends, then this is the kind of cake you want to make or get them.

14. Warcraft Cake

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The culmination of all those long, daunting hours you have spent bringing glory to The Horde.

15. Burger and Fries Cake

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I do not know if I want a hamburger or cake, now.

16. Gravity Defying Maltesers & M & M’s Cake

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Must be heaven.

17. Nikon Cake

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The perfect cake for a Canon person.

18. Renaissance Cake

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When in Rome, do as the Romans.

19. Sushi Cake

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Love it, but I definitely would not eat it with chopsticks.

20. Little Books Cake

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I wonder what is on the pages.

That wraps up  our wonderful, glorious selection of cakes. We hope you enjoyed it, and that you won’t have too much cake next time you come across it.

If you have any cake experiments, take a picture of them, and feel free to post them in the comment section below, as well as any thoughts you might have on the cakes we have shown you.

12 Comments on “These Cakes Look too Good to be Eaten

    • Hey Norah,
      Glad you like them! It was very difficult to write this article. All those images…distracting :D

      • Hi your cakes are fabulous, I love the mom and baby giraffe one. Would you tell me the size of both the cakes please. Thank you in advance x

  1. Hi your cakes are fabulous, I love the mom and baby giraffe one. Would you tell me the size of both the cakes please. Thank you in advance x

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