Why Fussy App Design Affect Your Brand’s Credibility and Usage

As we moved from offline business transactions to heavy desktops, portable laptops, tablets, and smartphones, the way we interact and do business also changed drastically. From having physical brochures and zero digital presence, brands today are constantly fighting for a strong online presence as it is the only way to interact with a wider audience. 

Today, over 42% of small businesses have started to invest in mobile apps. More than 30% of enterprises are planning to do so. According to Elluminati Inc having a mobile app can automate your business and boost revenue by up to 85%. But having a mobile app is not enough; delivering the best user experience through clean design should be a major concern for your business. 

A good and improved user experience is the key that makes your application successful, and you can’t overlook this factor. Poor or fussy app design can hurt your brand and leave a devastating effect on your overall branding. It can also be said that app design can either make or break your business and even the personality of your company. 


How Fussy App Design Can Ruin Your Business

UX and brand value

Source: SuperOffice CRM

Developing poor information and lousy user experiences can lead to negative brand perceptions of your business, from onboarding new users to adding them to your mailing list. According to Forrester’s research, a well-designed user experience can increase your conversion rate up to 400%. Hence, investing in a good design is imperative for any business. 

So now we know the essence of a good app design; bad app design can grind down your users. Here we will throw some light on how bad app design can impact your conversion rates and ruin your business image in the long run.

Revenue Loss 

Entrepreneurs can deal with changing customer preferences, and they can also deal with evolving business standards, but when it comes to revenue, they don’t want to take a single chance that proves disastrous for your revenue digits. 

When users get irritated with your app design or unnecessary information and pop-ups, they immediately either uninstall your app or leave them without thinking for a second, and they will never come back. Every customer is important; if you think that you have lost one customer and that does not make any difference, you are wrong. Because that one customer will not spread good words about your business with their acquaintances. 

Every customer brings revenue, so it is important to retain them. If you must think of why your customer left the app, you will have lost a significant chunk of revenue and customer base if the reason is poor app design. Hence, prioritize digital design and invest some bucks to build a top-notch app. 

Negative Brand Impression

Living in the virtual world and using proven hosting services for your website and application are a direct representation of your brand. Plenty of applications people surf every day if your app design does not match with their mental model. Consequently, they perceive your brand negatively. Plenty of applications people surf every day if your app design does not match with their mental model. Consequently, they perceive your brand negatively.

Here opinion science also plays an important role; if you fail to create the first impression, this perception usually decides whether they will come back in the future or spread good words about your brand. Because research revealed that more than 91% of customers read online reviews, if they find your app’s design is poor, chances are high you will lose customers as well as your reputation also will be damaged. 

People Unable to Find What They Are Looking For= Customer Loss 

Lousy app design is unable to please customers for the very first time. Imagine, you want to buy something, login to Amazon or Walmart but cannot find what you are looking for, will you again browse the same site for your future purchase? Obviously, No. 

Therefore, you need to design the app in such a way that offers easy navigation and assists customers instantly. If you fail to do so, you are killing your app and losing customers forever. Therefore, pay attention to navigation because poor navigation might frustrate the user and prevent them from stopping doing business with you. 

Poor Search Rankings

There is a direct relation between search rankings and app downloads. If people search for a particular app and your app appears in the first two lines of the App Store or Play Store, you will get good app installs. Google announced in 2018 that content that takes too much loading time might perform less. 

Therefore, focus on app content, navigation, and other crucial elements that directly impact app design and are harmful to your search rankings. App design issues such as performance, accessibility, content loading time, etc., make up a large part of ranking factors.

Your business could suffer from a bad user experience, which in turn may lead to lower conversion rates in organic search results. Now, do you want to generate leads through paid advertising? A poorly designed app also leads to low-quality scores and eventually costs you more. You can also consult a professional graphic designer who has the expertise and ensures productive results. 

Customers Find it Difficult to Communicate with Your Brand 

Effective communication is the key to a successful business. It is necessary to provide contact information to the customers in case they have questions or concerns because you do not want your business to appear suspicious in any way. 

Your presence and availability to help your customers should be known to the users so that they will feel confident that you are here to serve them. Trust is a crucial factor in any business, and it is very important to earn the customers’ trust by providing them with good user experience and dedicated app support. 

If your app design is messy and users are unable to contact you, they will get upset that nobody listens to them, and they will simply leave your app. This action can be a major cause of revenue loss. 


Clutter-free app design is the backbone of delivering a top-notch user experience. The demand for customers keeps evolving, and they don’t prefer to do business that delivers a poor product experience. A good app design is no longer icing on the cake, but customer’s preferences and technology have made it a crucial ingredient of the cake itself.

Author Bio

Deep Moteria 

Deep is a serial entrepreneur and blogger who wishes to support the ground transportation industries with his writings. He covers up all the known and unknown facts around the industry and puts them together to create trending articles across different websites. 

2 Comments on “Why Fussy App Design Affect Your Brand’s Credibility and Usage

  1. I completely agree with the article’s conclusion that fussy app design can negatively impact a brand’s credibility and usage. As a user, I often find myself frustrated with cluttered and confusing interfaces, which can make it difficult for me to complete my desired actions. A well-designed app, on the other hand, can greatly enhance the user experience and increase my loyalty to the brand. It’s important for brands to recognize the importance of user experience in their digital presence and make the necessary investments to create a seamless and intuitive design.

  2. I also think brands must realize the importance of user experience in their digital presence. Users always want to use applications with user-friendly and easy-to-follow interfaces

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