Top 10 Awesome CSS3 Transition Effects

When CSS3 appeared, it introduced numerous possibilities for designers. Even if you were just starting to get the acquainted with Photoshop, they were simple to implement, and fun to use. Transition effects can be created with simple code lines, but mastering them turned out to be a little tricky.
These hardware accelerated effects stood the test of time, and even though CSS3 appeared so long ago, they are still used in every single project out there.
Don’t despair if you don’t know them by heart, we have made a compilation with the top 10 most awesome CSS3 or higher transition effects, so you can dig them in, and use them as your heart desires. So what are you waiting for? Scroll down, and lets get started!
1. Fade in
You can use fade in everywhere. At the start, middle or end of your project. It is a cool transition effect that alleviates so many problems.
Fading in isn’t abrupt, and can be customized to appear at a certain time, and have a certain duration. It is also fairly requested by clients. You can use fade in on headers, buttons, pictures, anything you can think of.
2. Change color
As the transition effect fade in is used quite often, changing a color to a block, or a button is certainty requested by customers 100% of the time. It is a nice trick to have up your sleeve, and it is quite easy to create.
Calculating separate RGB values is a bit complex, but with these 2 simple code lines you can implement the change. It will be seen when the user hovers with his mouse over the certain object. Change it from blue, to red, to green, to any color you may desire.
3. Grow and Shrink
Shrinking and growing elements is super simple if you are using the transition effect and implement it within CSS3 or higher. It also sought after too, by many clients. The thing is, it clearly engages the user, it attracts his attention.
Hovering with the mouse on the object will cause it to enter the transition effect and shrink it, or enlarge it a bit. You decide how much you want it to grow, or shrink.
4. Rotate elements
One of the best transition effects is the one that lets you transform your objects rotation. Tilting it to the right, or to the left. Think of the endless possibilities.
You can create an animation and use this transition effect to depict objects falling towards the designated position. You can select by how many degrees you want it to rotate also.
5. Square to circle
By transitioning the border-radius property, you can implement the effect of a square object turning into a circle one, or a circle object turning into a square one. It is a popular effect sought by many clients.
You can choose the percentage of how much you want to transition.
6. 3D shadow
Many people thought that 3D objects are just dumb, they didn’t blend in well with flat design, but as time passed, they were proven wrong again and again. Clients loved 3D objects, and 3D shadow effects.
They brought their websites to a whole new level, their engagement grew substantially after implementing this transition effects. Try it also, and let us know it the comments how well it has worked for you.
7. Swing
Works best for Chrome, or Firefox, if you’re planning to use it on IExplorer, just forget it. It is a lot of hassle, and it is not worth it. This simple transition lets you create highly complex animations using @keyframes, animation and animation-iteration. It simply moves to the left and right when you hover with the mouse over it. It shakes a little bit.
Have you already decided how to use it? Tell us in the comment section your ideas, we would love to hear them.
8. Insert border
One of the most popular transition effect at this moment is the ghost button. Implementing this requires little to no skill, but it is a trick that you need to learn.
It transforms the button, shrinking it a little bit, but of course you can decide how much you want to shrink it, and changing the background and adding a heavy border.
9. Simple view – slider technique
Start by building a basic layout. You will need to add a screen and a slider effect inside the screen. It is of great use, if you are planning on using it for mobile usage. Sliding from right to left, left to right, upwards or downwards is basically the most important thing that you need.
It ensures a natural flow to your website and users will love it. It is more easier to do it this way, rather than having your users click on different buttons that lead them to the next page. Keep up with the times.
10. Arrow navigation styles
An option to the simple view-slider techniques can be arrow navigation. This style implements transition and animation for effects. It is more eye candy. You can go for different methods such as the round slide, the reveal, the grow pop and the double flip. The most commons ones will center the navigation anchor in the container.
You have definitely saw these styles while surfing the web. Be careful were you want them to be used, they work only in modern browsers, and optimizing them for mobile usage can be a little bit tricky.
It is not recommended that you use them for touch devices, it tends to fail badly if implemented poorly. Don’t forget that you can fully customize their transition effects as you want them, so get inspired and innovate. Create new methods of surfing our favorite websites, and make your user base enjoy their ride.
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