Generic Freelancer in “Slow Work Day”

I bet all of you had some rough times with a client at least once in your freelance activity. There seems to be a difficulty in communicating with the client, especially when he thinks he knows best. Most of the times, the beneficiary doesn’t even have any knowledge in the web design business (for example). So it’s difficult to make him understand why you can’t make his business website pink with white dots.
You may have heard the saying: “Client is KING“. The comic strip below is based on this statement. Keep in mind that we are making fun, don’t try this at home, it’s bad for your portfolio!
This comic was created by Alex Marinica.
Can you tell us about a similar situation you were in with a client?
Yeah I can pretty relate to this. I sometimes feel like things are a little bit slow despite the pressure I feel. Had fun reading this.