8 Powerful Speed Reading Techniques: How To Read Fast?
We all spend hours reading each week. However, sometimes, it is hard to keep up with this activity because of other responsibilities and activities. What if you could cut down your reading time without compromising the quality or quantity of your reading? This is quite achievable with speed reading.
An elaborate series of skills and techniques, such as speed reading, can help you become a much more skilled reader. According to research, the average reading speed for the general population is around 120 words per minute (wpm), and that is while taking into account their ability to comprehend the text.
The top readers, who form merely 1% of the populace, can read up to 400 wpm and not more than that.
Speed reading helps you read seven or eight times quicker. Certain fast reading techniques courses enable participants to improve their reading speed by 400% in a three-hour session!
However, despite being effective, speed reading techniques aren’t very familiar to most, so they miss out on something great.
Table Of Contents
Speed Reading Techniques – How To Read 1000 Words Per Minute
So, if you’re sold on reading super-fast, it’s time we get to the techniques. Numerous techniques can increase your reading speed to 1,000wpm.
However, before you start reading, you should undertake some preparatory steps. These help you create the perfect environment for speed reading.
- The first step is deciding why you want to read the book, newspaper, magazine or whatever you read. Unless you have a clearly defined purpose, it’s hard to find the motivation to read it.
- Get rid of everything that could distract you from your reading endeavour. This includes your phone (if you can live without it for a few hours), the TV and the computer. Tell the people around you that you intend to finish some reading and would appreciate not being disturbed.
- Before opening the first page, read the back cover and anything about the book or author printed on the inside of the cover. This enables you to prepare mentally for the task ahead.
Once you have created the right environment and are ready to start reading, start using the following speed reading techniques. Here are 8 techniques for reading 1000 words per minute.
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Speed Reading Technique 1: Use a Pointer
Staying fixed on a particular spot on the page, you read becomes difficult without something to guide your eyes. All it takes is a blink of the eyes, a sneeze, or any other minor distraction, and your eyes will wander off the page.
The situation worsens when you don’t return to where you were before going off. Therefore, you need something to locate the position. The best option is to use a pointer.
The easiest option is to use your finger as a pointer, but you can also use a pencil or pen. Following this simple tip can help increase your reading speed considerably.
Speed Reading Technique 2: Eliminate Sub-Vocalization
If you are unfamiliar with sub-vocalizing, it is merely hearing yourself read. This habit is formed because most people learn to read by speaking the words out loud when they are young.
As a result, their minds start subconsciously vocalizing any piece of text they read. So, you hear that little voice in your head narrating the text as you read it.
Vocalizing does help with comprehension, but it is not a must. Eliminating sub-vocalization can quickly make you a speed reader.
One way to do this is to move the pointer quicker than the pace at which you hear the words in your head.
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Speed Reading Technique 3: Control Your Speed
Speed reading does not mean hitting full throttle and skimming through pages and pages of text. You need to monitor the speed at which you are reading, which is made possible by using a pointer.
Over time, you will notice that the speed at which you move the pointer corresponds to your reading speed. Therefore, if you move the pointer faster, you will read more rapidly.
However, when you feel exhausted, you need to slow down. When reading textbooks, you will encounter many paragraphs where a point is repeated to drive it home.
Rather than reading through it every single time, it is better to skim over it using your pointer.
Speed Reading Technique 4: Focus on Retention
Speed reading is not just about flying through a book without remembering little of it when you reach the end. Some people boast about their speed reading skills. It turns out to be quite unimpressive when you ask them what they retained from the book they just read.
To retain the material, you need to know when to slow down your speed. This is hinted at in the previous technique as well. You need to have control over your reading speed so that when you encounter a challenging topic or subject, you can better retain it.
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Speed Reading Technique 5: Use Active Reading
The world’s speed reading champion can read 4,700 wpm. This means that that person can easily get through long novels in books in less than an hour.
However, there is precious little to learn and retain at that speed. If you are reading Inferno or The Casual Vacancy, it is fine to read quickly since their purpose is entertainment.
However, when studying for an exam, you need to prepare your mind to be curious and open to learning so that you can grasp the information in the text before you.
It isn’t like if you read it, you will learn. It’s not just about how to read fast but also about retaining the information you read.
Speed Reading Technique 6: Practice Makes Perfect
Speed reading, like any other skill, has to be exercised from time to time. You cannot become a speed reader overnight and start reading 1,000wpm from day one.
You need to invest the time and effort required. The end result will be worth your while, as you will develop the ability to read faster than 99.5% of the population.
Not many people know and practise speed reading, so it is a unique skill you can acquire to open up new opportunities for you. To master it, you need to keep practising.
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Speed Reading Technique 7: Read What You Love
There is more published written material than there is time to read. So, you have to be selective. Of course, there are some books that you have to read, most of them about your academic or professional life.
However, regardless of the reason for which you have picked out reading the material, it is crucial that you love it. Otherwise, you won’t find it interesting. Of course, with fast reading, you can get through boring books in no time.
But that doesn’t mean you cannot find them interesting. It is all a matter of applying yourself and defining the purpose for which you are reading.
So, if you want to learn how to read fast and also remember it, a great way is to choose a topic or a book that really speaks to you.
Speed Reading Technique 8: Use Your Eye Span
One major drawback of reading word-to-word is that your eye only focuses on a single word at a time. The average eye span is 1.5 inches, which means you can read up to four words on either side of a word.
For instance, if a sentence has ten words, focusing on the fifth word can help you see the sentence in a single glance. This will help you view the text as a block of words rather than in individual units.
This is one of the major hindrances to speed reading. People’s perceptual gaze isn’t conducive to reading fast, making it difficult for them to enhance their reading speed.
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Speed Reading Myths
Some general myths and misconceptions regarding reading cause people to refrain from practising speed reading.
- Reading Quickly Hampers Retention: The reality is quite the opposite of this perception. Fast reading techniques enhance your retention and understanding of the text.
- Reading Has to be Linear: Non-linear storytelling has gained popularity in books, television, and movies. Writers often pen the ending before working on the rest of the book.
- You Have to Read Word-for-Word: This myth is propagated in early school when teachers insist students read word-for-word. The habit that forms at a young age is hard to let go of.
Since most people’s reading habits are the polar opposite of what speed reading is about, they find it hard to make the switch. However, reading about the benefits of speed reading may cause them to change their mind.
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Save Time on Reading: Read Twice As Fast As You Do Now
First of all, you will learn to read faster without missing anything. This alone means that you will spend less time reading. For people who have to read daily for work or study, reading faster can help save a lot of time.
College students especially have to read many cursory materials besides their course textbooks. With speed reading, they can research quickly and hand in their assignments on time.
As you learn to read quickly, you can do more reading while riding the subway or on a plane. Let’s say you spend an hour reading every day.
You can easily reduce that to 30 minutes, saving half an hour daily. Over the years, this equates to around one week (182 hours) saved!
These aside, there are many jobs where reading is a daily job. Paralegals, script consultants, movie studio executives, professors and similar professionals have a lot of reading to do, hundreds of pages every day.
They can reduce the time taken for speed reading. This will enhance their productivity and allow them to do more work.
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The Benefits Of Speed Reading
Apart from saving time, here are some other benefits of fast reading:
Improved Memory and Focus
The brain is a muscle and needs to work out. Speed reading provides the ideal exercise for your brain, enabling you to improve your memory. Also, when reading dense bodies of text quickly, your focus will improve considerably.
Release Your Stress
Reading is a relaxing activity. If you read even a few pages of a good book after a long day’s work, you will feel relaxed and release your stress. Also, your emotional well-being will improve.
Enhanced Logic
Your logic is enhanced when your brain starts retaining and storing more information. You can now link the information you acquire to what you have learned.
Better at Problem Solving
Your problem-solving skills will get better as you employ speed reading. Problem-solving is all about concentration and logic, two things you will acquire through speed reading tips.
These are just some of the benefits of speed reading. Overall, you will start feeling better, and your self-confidence will improve greatly.
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Wrapping Up
These are eight of the most effective speed reading tips. On the surface, they might appear to be complicated, but practice makes perfect. As you follow them, it will become easier for you.
So, learning fast reading techniques is the perfect solution if you desire to read 1,000wpm (or even more) without breaking a sweat.
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in August 2013 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
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Dear pixel77,
Just read your blog on speed reading. I found it very interesting because I am an avid reader, but not a speed reader. At the age of 62, you can guess that I was taught the old fashion way. I read fast but not fast enough for my satisfaction. Are there other links or books that you might have available.
Gregory Miller
Hi Gregory,
I’m glad you found the article interesting. We’ve all become passionate about speed reading here at the office and wanted to get some courses for ourselves. So we put together a deal on a speed reading learning program called Elite Speed Reading, which contains audiobooks, exercises and a special software. You can check it out here: http://www.inkydeals.com/deal/elite-speed-reading/.
Hope that was helpful!
I post a lot of comments in speed-reading-forums though most are mostly either disliked/deleted or non-responsive towards me, so this time I’m going2b as brief as possible that this message maybe the worst of its quality ever sent.
I’ve just had my New Years 1 Jan birthday, where I’m now a 42 year old4ever struggling… avid Speed-Reader for the past 20 years & practice daily, the annoying thing about me is I’m shallow or narrowly enhanced being specific skilled orientated, this is where one skill won’t even out other skills -so what happens is my paperback practice won’t enhance digitalize text, like a PC via mouse pointer & all other types a meta-guiding-objects that substitutes for all other elect. Devices needs2b specifically practice individually for an overall speed-reading skill of ability, I’ve never done a course in speed-reading, though I haven’t seen anything new in the field of speed-reading the past 10 years, so today I Google up “why no effective resources on speed-reading” – “is speed-reading fading out” – “why is speed-reading never mainstream?” The answer from that question was like every1 has a different view/non/belief there4no direct way2cater.
As4me; deciding to work at becoming a faster reader seems a rational decision as being possible, therefore I can never disbelieve the potential possibility improving reading efficiency –thus never deciding to give up on my lack of speed gains.
My need4speed is a major demand; as over the past 10 years I’ve been looking to get lucky at finding any kind of trick to up my reading speeds –like the text2speech narrators today are non-robotic/fully accentually pronounced to spoken speeds beyond the clarity of human speeds therefore the rejection of sub-vocalization gets an upgrade in the world of speed-reading, & hopefully 1 day they’ll allow the breaking of their speed spoken limits of 450wpm. Also it has been known that some can speak just main keywords through the text, I say wouldn’t that be of help ciphering out the gist of the text at faster reading speeds, though those type of text2speeches have been impossible to download.
At the moment I’ve just been practicing on a PC & books of a basic kind of text that especially accentuates keywords & pictures on every page so it helps to maintain keeping comprehension on track with the text while read at faster speeds when doing vertical/zigzag speed reading, the text exercises various reading lengths column/novel like 5/10 words per line, basically it’s like training wheels for the speed-reading mind. So what are these books exactly? They’re scholastic kids books which are the (Geronimo Stilton’s) collection I have about 37 books of them & I’m going to buy a lot more of them.
Using these books for the specific purpose of working on my speed-reading basics “on a basic level” was just my idea – as – a – stepping – stone – so I can eventually take visual vertical/zigzag speed-reading skills up onto a higher level as to handle my speed-reading into harder literature.
I will now check out your Elite-Speed-Reading as I continually explore with an open mind, though like I mention as an ongoing seeker I haven’t yet found anything different in speed-reading for the past 10 years.
Sentence correction for the previous message
& hopefully 1 day they’ll allow an iPad to break their spoken speed limit of 450wpm. Though I doubt they’ll allow that to happen.
Sorry but I guess seeing your Elite Speed Reading site it recommended eagle eye software.
So I guess now a little more comes to my mind.
I’ve had eagle eye for about 5 years.
But I know some hotkey combinations of using selecting text as to simulate like a meta guiding up to 1000wpm. which highlights just like what Eagle-Eye-Software can do & but with more control if I decide to backtrack on the text as to re-read smaller increment sections of text at a time, which is basically just all old school for me: –
shift+ctrl+> arrow through text – mid way through paragraph – arrow up takes selecting to beginning paragraph again for repeating per paragraph OR leave finger on shift+arrow-up to re-select repeating per line again OR select 1/2 of text shift+arrow-down selects 1/2 text for peripherally reading down 1/2 line at a time. And of course last of the least which is selecting text at fairly average speed being nearly slow as verbal speed of 350wpm – hold shift+>arrow through text & to repeat over text again take finger off shift and press arrow back takes you back to the beginning
You can oppose this effect by unselecting though the text giving a uncovering text effect as a meta-guider by selecting all the text then press shift+ctrl+up arrow then shift+ctrl+>arrow.
I prefer (ACE-READER SOFTWARE) as it’s way more flexible featured programs for exercising my read efficiency per phrases/sentences/Paragraph a glance. -Optional you can include a Mouse Pointer as an Eye-Guide.
VLC Media Player
is the best all rounded PC player I find for drilling reading speeds with activate close-caption videos
I remember seeing you had some articles of a PDF sources.
so when it comes to PDF Docs I’ve found all ways with their reading features like
PC best (AUTO-SCROLL) in Pdf Files
Acrobat Reader set on (Shift+Ctrl+H) you can hand-tool drag screen to backtrack (where it will actually remain on the set auto scroll speed – rather than to reset it) like you would pressing in a mouse wheel on a word doc. & it has a word-wrap feature know as (Reflow Ctrl+4) for readjusting variable text line lengths especially handy when zooming for larger text sizes to fit to screen.
Really I just learn typically by experimenting with things, I guess I could say it is really like just trying to find ways to make text easier to read.
Copy to MS-word – Office button – Save as – PDF or XPS.
Set word wrap to text (Ctrl+4) & then Set auto-scroll (Shift+Ctrl+H) & arrow-V-faster.
Just Page/Mouse-wheel/Drag-(Up) if misread. For Dragging the page use (hand tool) Tools–Select & Zoom–Hand tool.
My FaceBook has a few lengthy notes that are all strictly geared towards my Speed-Reading experiences.
Though at the present moment I’m working on creating visually enhanced mnemonic project for memorizing the 5250 SAT/GRE necessary vocabulary words where all the mnemonic memorizations are artistically drawn out aiding to increase the power of the mnemonic system itself.
Its going to be 32 cards a screen short front & flips side as 64 showing altogether instead of memorizing per card, as I came to realized when cramming to memorize really truly fast at blinding speeds it’s best to view all in bulk which saves on effort flipping through them & a spanned view means easier backtracking of instant revision.
Yours sincerely Mc
Andra .. i come with you
Wow, this was an excellent article. I’ve been struggling as a vocal reader, finding myself subconsciously mimicking people speaking to me.
I’ll definitely be using these techniques.
Thank you for the article!
Best regards
You’re very welcome, Warren. I’m so glad this helped you. Let us know how it worked :)
It is very good articles
I’m glad you like it! :)
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Why did you say the top readers can read 400 wpm and not more than that and then you say later on in the article that you can learn to read 1000 wpm and the top reader in the world today can read 4,700 wpm ?
I read most of your article. Your article bears many interesting and informative things. Really a nice article. Thanks for sharing and this article helps me a lot.