25 Creative CV Templates that Will Make You Stand Out

25 Creative CV Templates that Will Make You Stand Out

Your résumé is your calling card. It’s as simple as that. Getting hired is tough, especially these days. Everyone seems to be looking for a job. That’s why it’s important to make sure your CV or portfolio stand out from the others because the pile is going to be huge. You don’t want to show up with a drab CV that looks exactly like 500 others the employer has gotten.

Don’t think of your résumé as a piece of paper that sums up your qualifications, skills and achievements. Think of it as a first impression. Do you want to stand out? Make sure you do!

Employers and interviewers can’t possibly study each CV in detail. They scan them, pick the most interesting ones and then maybe read those. If you want the interview and the job, you need to make your CV unique. It needs to attract the attention of the employer more than the average CV does.

What makes a CV stand out? Well, of course, the information in it. That’s one thing. Still, it’s not quite enough. Many excellent résumés have been passed over because they were poorly presented or poorly written or merely because they were too drab. Make sure that’s not your CV.

How do you do that? Well, you pick one of the templates below, of course!

Now, this article isn’t necessarily dedicated to those who are looking for work or who need to spice up their CV. The résumé is a pretty boring subject, and it’s great to see what others have done to make it attractive again.

If you’re a designer, odds are you’ll find this pretty interesting. Creative CV templates are an excellent source of design inspiration. As a matter of fact, most of the images below aren’t templates, but examples, there just to inspire you to create your CV template. There are quite a few templates as well, though!

You’ll find that the examples we’ve selected for this list aren’t necessarily groundbreaking design – some of them present simple, intuitive solutions to the drabness problem CVs have. What they are, instead, is quality work that creatively addresses a very simple problem and solves it.

We have gathered a large collection of templates and layouts that can be used for various jobs and different hierarchic levels. These examples don’t guarantee success – only a solid CV can do that. What they do, instead, is showcase the content of your résumé. They make your CV “pop”.

Let’s take a look at the templates and see what they look like, shall we?


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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in November 2013 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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